
Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010 at 7:39

The Clouds Reflect the Beauty and Health of the Nature

It seems from the sky everything looks perfect. The ocean is quiet, the sunset reflects its beauty under the water and the clouds drawn themselves on the ocean. The nature shows its power and splendor. The clouds are part of this nature. They have inspired a lot of artists to create their painting. We can find clouds in different pictures, may be they are not the main theme but they are part of it. Also, when children are drawing, it is very common to find some clouds in their draws. On the other hand, from a scientific point of view they are part of a process called condensation that is important for the world and specially, for human beings because it helps us to get water from rivers, ocean, etc. Recently, clouds do not tend to look as healthy as they used to. Sometimes, they seem polluted and one of the reasons is because our unconscious work activities, so it is important to keep in mind that some of our human actions are destroying this nature. We should try not to pollute in order to have a beautiful nature and we can see it reflected in the clouds.


Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010 at 19:17

When we write it is important to keep in mind the appropriate words in order to do our writing more concise. Sometimes, there are words or phrases that are unnecessary within the writing, so they can be deleted or replaced. This is what concise writing is about.

Exercise III

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On at 19:12

Let’s look at the following text. First, read the original essay several times to make surethat you understand each paragraph well.

Students Rights

I. Who knows better than the students than themselves what a university should do for them and how they should be treated? Yet how often do students have any say at all in such important issue as faculty selection, curriculum planning and scheduling? The answer is obvious: never. If university administrations refuse to include student representatives in the decision/making process, something drastic must be done.

II. Let’s examine what is happening right here on our own campus in the areas mentioned above. The first major issue is the selection of faculty members. Never in the history of this college has a student been permitted to interview to examine the credential of, or even meet prospective professors. All hiring is done by joint administrative-faculty committee, often made up of people will not even have extensive dealing with individual after day begin teaching. Those who have the most at stake and whose lives and academic careers will be governed by the professor- the students themselves- never even meet the new teachers until the first class meeting. No one is better equipped to evaluate a professor’s ability to communicate with students than those whom her or she intends to teach. Anyone can read curriculum vitae to ascertain the level of professional training and experience someone has had, but the best judges of a teacher’s ability to teach, which is the primary function of any professor in undoubtedly the students themselves.

III. Students’ interests in and commitment to appropriate curricula are even more obvious. We have come to college with very specific purpose in mind: To prepare ourselves intellectually and practically for the future. We know what we need to learn in order to complete successfully with others in our chosen fields. Why should we be kept out of the curriculum planning process? If we pay for the text books, spend hours in the library doing research, and burn the midnight oil studying for the test and exams, why are we not permitted to give our opinions about the materials we will spend some many hours studying? It is imperative that our views be made known to curriculum planners.

IV. The area of scheduling is of vital interest to students. The hours at which classes are pffered affect us daily. Many of us must juggle work and class schedules, but often administrators ignore such problems when day schedules classes. Schedules must must be convenient and flexible so that all students have equal opportunities take the most popular classes and those that are most essential to their majors. If students help with scheduling, never would there be two required courses offered at the same time for only one semester per academic years. Never would we have to wait two or three semesters to take a course that is a pre-requisite for other desired courses, nor would we have to rise across campus in ten minutes to get from one class to the next. Students are vitally concerned with scheduling.

V. In the 1960s and early 1970s, students were not too shy of fearful to demonstrate against the injustices they saw in the draft system and Vietnam conflict. Why should students today be afraid to voice their opinions about the very important issues that affect their lives?

Thesis: The student rights in issues such as Faculty selection, curriculum planning and scheduling.
I (Main idea): The choice of Faculty members.

II (Main idea): Students’ commitment and their participation in curriculum planning

III (Main idea): The scheduling is a fundamental interest to students.

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010 at 13:20

Exercise 1

Paraphrase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one. Remember to change vocabulary, phrases and sentence structure wherever you can.

1. Despite their massive size, elephants are known for being agile.

Elephants are notorious to be nimble because of their huge size

2. Because elephants consume up to 500 pounds of food a day, they are able to strip a forest bare in no time.

Daily, elephants can eat a maxim of 500 pounds of food, so they can remove a forest bare in one second.

3. Over the centuries, lions have been used in art to represent power and magnificence.

Lions have appeared in art in order to symbolize dominion and glory during the centuries.

4. Lions are social animals with one dominant male in each pride.

Lions are considered to be convivial animals, in every pride, there is one leading male. .

5. George Washington Carver was a dedicated teacher, in addition, he was known as a talented artist, musician, and researcher who made valuable contributions to his people and his country

The gifted artist who carved George Washington statue was a devoted educator who also was recognized as a brilliant musician and investigator who did important contributions to his people and his nation.

6. Archibald McLeish, known for his poetry, was appointed head of the Library of Congress by President Roosevelt in 1939

In 1939, Archibald McLeish who was notorious because of his poetry was chosen chief of the Library of Congress by the president of that year.

Exercise 2

Read each paragraph and state the main idea in your own words. If you find the main idea stated directly in the paragraph, be sure to use the paraphrasing techniques that you practice in exercise one.

1. There is plenty of water on the earth. In fact, there is enough water in this planet for everyone to have a huge lake. The trouble is that the water is not always found in the place where it is needed. In addition, much of water is polluted or salty. Because of these problems, there are many people without sufficient water.

Main idea: On the planet, there is a lot of water.

2. New oil supplies need to be found to replace those that have been used up. There is a constant search for new oil fields. Oil hunters sink their wells wherever there are signs of oil. Each of these drillings costs thousands of dollars, and often there is not enough oil to make it profitable. Nevertheless, the search for new oil never ends.

Main idea: It is necessary to find new oil provisions.

3. Quakers, a religious group known as the Society of Friends, have always worked for human causes. Before the Civil War in the United States, they were against slavery and led the movement to help slaves escape from the southern part of the United States and seek freedom in the northern part. Today, they fight hunger and disease around the globe and still aid people fleeing tyranny and war. Their beliefs are based on the principles of pacifism and simple living.

Main idea: Quakers is a religious group that works doing charity.


Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On at 13:10


Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On at 13:08

It is to write or say the same author’s ideas that you have read or heard using your own words.  If we copy exactly an author’s ideas without using quotation marks, that is called plagiarism. In order to paraphrases, we can use some techniques such as look for synonyms or antonyms, phrasal verbs or change the sentence structure.  These techniques will help us to have a successfully result.

The Topic and the Main Idea

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010 at 18:37

Finding the Main Idea

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On at 18:33

Identifying the topic of a text

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On at 18:05

Topic, Main Idea and Supporting Details

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On at 18:02

The Topic and the Main Idea

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On at 17:23

The topic is the theme that the author desires to write about. As the topic is the subject of the paragraph, it can be identified making the question; who or what the paragraph is about? Also, you can identify the topic if a word or notion is being repeated several times within the paragraph. The topic has to be clearly stated within the main idea.

The main idea is the most important thing that the writer wants to express within a paragraph. It can be located in different parts of the paragraph such as in the first, middle or last sentence. Also, it can be stated in the paragraph in two sentences or it can be implied, that is to say, it is not directly express within the paragraph but the reader can deduce what the main idea is. Even though when it can be played in different parts of the paragraph, most of the time it is located at the beginning of the sentence. The rest of the paragraph then is used to support the main idea (supporting details).  The main idea can be divided into two parts; the topic and the controlling idea that is what the writer is saying about the topic.