Wordy Sentences: Exercise

Publicado por Pedro Pablo Escalante | | Posted On domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011 at 9:56

Edit the following paragraph to make any wordy sentence as short as possible without changing their meaning. Rule numbers in the margin refer to a appropiate strategies in section 16. The first wordy sentence has been revised for you

The modern economics founder, Adam Smith has been controvertial since he proposed a theory in the XVIII century. This economist, born in Scotland and educated in England, wrote a political economy study. The Wealth of  Nations was published in 1776;  year of the American's independence. Smith's book alluded the interdependence of freedom and order, economic processes, and free trade laws. His thinking did not affect economic policies but it influenced in the next century. "The invisible hand" and "laissez faire" are synonymous with Smith's name. History has made Smith’s ideas more controversial.  Say "Adam Smith" to conservative businesspeople, and they will response "He was a good man who understood how business works!". Say it to liberal reformers, and they will mutter "He was evil and sold the average citizen down the river". These are reactions that indicate the controversy aroused by Smith's ideas is still alive.


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